B1 | Custom Logo Overlay (Premium Feature)

Starting with TrackMan Baseball app version 1.67, you can now upload a custom team/organization logo that will be displayed on videos that are exported from the iPad app.


Please note that at this time, this is a paid (optional) feature that can be purchased on our webshop. LINK: Custom Logo Overlay Product


To use this feature, please follow the steps below: (Note that the user must be an Admin level to upload a custom logo)

  1. Log into your Team Portal account
  2. Click on the 'Management' tab
  3. Click on 'Team Logo'
  4. Once on the Team Logo screen you can either drag and drop your logo file or browse available files from your computerScreenshot 2023-12-14 105218.png
  5. Head over to your iPad and force close the Trackman Baseball app.
  6. Connect to a Wi-Fi network and open the app allowing it to finish its syncing process

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